Thursday, May 19, 2011

extreme coupon haul

i don't have a lot of stores where they double coupons ( and if the do only up to a dollar ) i wanted to show others how u can save and u don't only have to shop at stores that only double up coupons u can do it ne where here is how i only spent little over 3 dollars
okay so my retail value was over 60 dollars i paid $3.19 how did i do it ? ill break it down for u ...

First i want to say i am new at extreme coupons, i watched the show and was hooked i always cut coupons saved 1 dollar here and there but i would always forget them or forget to use them ... i am going to stick to this and realize y pay more when u can get it free ? this was my shopping trip ....

the only store i went to today was rite aid !!! i went with coupons and 5 dollars i had in mind only spending !!!

if u have a in store ( for rite aid would be the wellness card ) card most all stores have them to save on in store sale prices these are free to get so sign up ! they will also send emails with coupons or sales when they come out also if u check online u will see sales that are not listed !

u can also go to the store a day in advance just check around see what is clearanced out !! then see if u can find a coupon for it !

but i will be doing a video on all about this and how i do it at different stores

this is what i got this trip and how i got so cheap !

purex was on great sale without a coupon at 1.99 for a big bottle ! i also had a 3 dollar coupon so was a dollar ahead off start i did get a few of these but only one listed !!!!!!

i got the oral b tooth brush was 5.25 and i had a 3.00 coupon bringing it to 2.25 i also had a 2 dollar off coupon i had on my last receipt from my card savings so used it my tooth brush cost .25 cents after that

the crest 3d white tooth paste ( big tube ) was 3.50 i had a 2 dollar coupon and spent 1.50 for that

my TOTAL for these where 1.75 and this was for 6 bottles of purex , oral b brush, and the tooth paste, this was my first transaction i checked out ( i got extra bucks back for tooth brush and paste ) i got 6 dollars in instant savings coupons on my receipt i now can use this 6 dollars for my next transaction .....

next i bought the ban deodorant this was on sale for 1.47 i had a dollar coupon paid .47 cents

the paper towels were on sale for .69 cent i had a dollar off coupon and they owed me .31 cents so subtract that from my .47 cents my total bill due so far is .16 cents !!!!

the tide was 4.59 i had a 3 dollar off coupon taking it to 1.59 total due with everything so far is 1.75 i owe

next my big purchase was the razor it was 9.99 i had a coupon buy a refill get the razor for free ! also ontop of my coupon the sale add had these buy one get one half off so with me having the razor covered i got the refill razors for half off ( originally 14.99 ) half off would be around 7 i also had a 2 dollar coupon for those and this brought my bill for those 2 to 5 dollars ! plus my other items my total so far was 6.75

last item on my list today was a loreal lipstick rite aid has loreal 30% off this week i also had a 2 dollar off coupon bringing it to 3 dollars total i owe so far would be 9.75

now from my first transaction i had 3 2 dollar off coupons total purchase ! i then used these coupons for these items it took 6 dollars off my 9.75 total bringing everything listed in my picture ( plus 5 more bottles of purex ) to 3.75 !!! for over 60 dollars worth of items !!!! AMAZING so cut them coupons and check the sales also thanks to my wellness card i now have another 6 dollars off my next purchase so new haul soon !

hope this helps if u like these leave me a comment i will do them as i buy ! follow my Facebook for things i don't do blog posts on or videos !!! thanks for reading and happy saving its not just saving u a ton of money its a challenge and makes it super fun !


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