Thursday, October 13, 2011

amiclubwear rant !

i have ordered from ami once or twice before the clothing is cheaper but they have good prices , however the shipping i remember was always slow .. i found a few pieces on the site i wanted to add into my halloween costume , i ordered the items i also paid for 1 or 2 day shipping i placed my order on a sat.. by Wednesday i had got no email .. i placed the order so i could have it by friday giving them 6 days ( as i paid for 2 day shipping ) wed came no call no email nothing i called them first off they where rude off the start .. then my order was pending .. pending for 5 days ? no email ? or call y do they make u fill that shit out if they do nothing with it i was on hold for 25 mins , when she comes back on still rude she said o u wont have it by friday .. i told her to cancel it then because that is the only reason i had ordered the items was for a party she was rude and said it could be here by next friday ( making that 2 weeks ) after i paid almost 50 dollars for 2 day shipping cause the items where listed as in stock but where only special order items ! first off that is false advertisement ! and if i did wait and not call them and my items that where promised in 2 days ( ill give them 4 days for process ) but 2 weeks on 2 day ship is unreal first off the shipping chargers are WAY TO HIGH as i ship alot and with me being in us and them in us should be cheaper either way wanted to let u know about this problem i was treated real rude and was lied to by this company and i will take and have taken my buissness else where ... i also told the women i talked to i do alot of things online and will make known how you treat your customers so y this blog is being posted ! just be careful for what company you give your money too ...

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