expires 6/15/2011 !!! this coupon has been out for over a month and has a month left until it expires ! i didn't find out about
the cvs sale ( 6 dollars off ) and with this coupon would be 11 dollars off .. i have had sales like these before so with the
coupons being able to print as many out as u like me like im sure a ton of others printed them out and went to cvs ! i stocked up
didn't think anything of it until i post the picture of my haul to my Facebook and someone tells me i wasn't spouts to use the
coupons to check physicians formula Facebook ... so i did and WOW to my shock they pulled the coupon ... not understanding
really y i was reading and to my shock the blame was on the consumer ( i have talked up pf for years a lot of my friends went
to them by me liking them ) and they are going to blame me for printing a coupon that they didn't word right and was out for
over a month before they caught it ????? i lost a lot of respect they are telling all the stores these are fraudulent coupons ! and
this alone is a huge problem cause now when i go to my local cvs they will wonder if its me or if my coupons are not good this
makes them and us look BAD im not sure if i understand why they didn't want us to use the coupon on sale items if that was
the case it should have listed on the coupon !!!!!! i got this coupon right off their Facebook page now fraud is on us ?! they have
liked many comments on their page a few weeks ago ppl saying they got sale items and discount items and used the coupon so
y the change in mind and y the long expiration date ? im not sure who is in charge of the marketing ( and i know a lot about
was my job for years ! ) but this is by far the consumer .... most all people who use coupons use them when something is on
sale !!!!!! pf is a expensive ( most ) of all drug store u can by mac for the price of this ! and they have sticker coupons on their i
items all the time ( mostly 4 dollars off ) but never NEVER did i hear of not using a coupon on a sale item the sale comes from
the store the coupon comes from the manufacture !!! i really was looking forward to trying the shadows and liners but now i
will truly think 2 times b4 i do this again its not about the coupon i got my use out of it but its not fair to the others who wanted
to but just didn't get around to it because come on coupon was good until next month !!! and all the sudden to shut it off right
now if they were going to cut it short ( i think it should carry out till date !!!! ) a few days notice would be fine or tell the stores
not to stock until the coupon expires ! their loss is now ours because stores will ( if the don't enough already ) look at self
printed out coupons ! and come on with all the hype on extreme coupon they had to know this would catch on and go viral
fast !!!!!!! well its not looking like its in their favor i mean i kno i kno 5 dollar coupon and all this hype but if i would buy something
off you and take the item then cancel the check who would they come after ......? i must admit if u do watch my videos u know
i am a extreme shopper so i did stock up and didn't think anything of it i did get the last ones on the shelves i get home to
find a sticker coupon on one of my bronzers and the expiration date was 2008 !!!!!!!! really the products must not sell full
price and maybe they need to thank us for taking old expired makeup off their hands lower the price and be thankful for your
true fans like i have for years! i think they have turned a lot away by this mistake on their end and to point the finger at us and
call it fraud not true maybe fraud on their end ! they have coupons similar to this all the time !!!!!!!! bellow in some peoples eyes
is how i misused their coupon ( and now looking back im glad i did !!! ) i don't keep all this i donate a lot so either way i like to
call it extreme coupon !! and think this should be on the next episode of the show think it would be so funny to those who got
use the coupon great to those who didn't im sorry and u should be able to !!!!!!
below are the items that yes most i got free i did go to 2 different cvs and purchased these on the sale with my 5 dollar of coupon ... pf is acting like we stole them but who's fault really is it ?......

don't get me wrong ne one who has ever watched any of my videos on youtube ( xoxoamandakisses ) knows i have always said i love pf and are my favorite bronzers ! i have bought many full price many of times !!!!!!!

my total price for all this was 18 dollars one because i got a eye product and didn't get the 6 dollars off i hope this doesn't
start a bad name for coupons and sales or make limitations more strict but i do see this happening soon ! be blessed thanks
for reading and post a comment on ur thoughts !!!
I think that it's bullshit to be honest. Not on your part but whoever decided you commited fraud. I mean really who's fault is it that PF's coupon was misprinted?
agree i mean come on we didn't put these in our purse and walk out we cashed out at the register and got a recipt clearly theirs just them seeing how hard they are really getting hit with the coupons is a shock im sure so they backed out !
I agree with you, and if you didn't make this post I was going to CVS to use my coupon.I would be very upset if they tried to claim I was using fraudulent coupons.
I can buy MAC for the full price of PF,and I do enjoy their products but without coupons I just dont buy it.
i agree too but sad part now they will think twice about taking a printed coupon ! some stores may change policies and just not fair to us ! i do like pf bronzer but fot drug store way over priced !!!!! i always use a coupon when buying shame and big mistake on them im sure sales wont be good for them at least a lot got free stuff from them until they changed their minds some cvs are taking pf off the shelf !!
I've seen this happen before. But in my case it was someone else taking a coupon and saving the image. Then people went off and print however many they wanted.
But honestly, I think it's PF's fault because companies shouldn't be posting coupons on their FB or any website. It's been posted on many of sites not use use any coupon online that actually shows the barcode because it would end up in fraud; like this did. If there's a coupon out there that you can print as many times as you want, you can bet they will pull the coupon and claim any more use of the coupon is fraud.
I bet PF did back out too. It's their own damn fault.
PS. I just posted a review on my blog about a bag that you'd LOVE. It's zebra print. You should check it out. =) BTW, I'm daniflyff on youtube.
What $5 coupon have you been using in your most recent coupon hauls? I am not aware of another $5 coupon. I understand it is not our fault that they stopped this coupon, but to those of us who have used coupons for a long time, using this coupon is a big, big no no. I am upset that I cannot use this coupon too, but it would bother me to know that I had used a coupon that the store might not get reimbursed for.
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